What time does it get dark in Friend ?


The sunset in Friend is at 07:35 pm

What is it sunset?

  • Sunset

  • Twilight

  • Darkness

Most people know that sunset is the time when the sun goes down. But did you know that the sun doesn't actually set? Instead, Earth rotates into darkness, giving us the illusion that the sun is setting. So what causes sunset?

Well, it's a combination of things. The Earth's atmosphere scatters sunlight in every direction, but blue and violet light are scattered more than other colors. This is why the sky is usually blue during the daytime. As the sun gets lower in the sky, the atmosphere becomes thicker and more dense.

This scattering of sunlight happens to a greater extent, and we see red and orange light more than blue and violet light. That's why sunset is usually a beautiful red or orange color. So next time you see sunset, remember that you're actually seeing Earth rotate into darkness!

Friend and all the details!


When deciding where to move, many people consider factors such as climate, job opportunities, and quality of life. Others might consider the potential friendliness of the locals or the city's proximity to family and loved ones.

Since 1984, the city of Minneapolis has been designated as a "Friend City" by the United States Department of State. The designation is based on factors including citywide cooperation in disaster response and support for cultural exchange. In 2015, Minneapolis was ranked the sixth most friendliest city in the United States by Livability.com.

Located in north-central Minnesota, Minneapolis is bordered by the cities of St. Paul and Minneapolis to the west, La Crosse to the north, Rochester to the east, and Evanston to the south. The city is divided by the Mississippi River into Minneapolis and St. Paul, with the latter being much larger.

Most of Minneapolis lies in the geographic area known as the Central Plains, which is characterized by flat topography and a relatively short period of severe weather. The city experiences a humid continental climate, with long, cold winters and hot, moderately humid summers. Minneapolis receives precipitation in all months, but December, January, and February are the heaviest. The city's highest recorded temperature was 103 degrees Fahrenheit, while the lowest was -30 degrees F.

The city's population was estimated to be 546,844 as of 2017. The majority of the population (approximately 62%) is white, while 38% are non-white. The largest minority groups are Hispanic (7.5%), Asian (3.1%), African American (2.9%), and Native American (1.6%). The city's population density is 1,673 people per square mile.

Located in the heart of the Midwest, Minneapolis is convenient to both coasts. The city is connected to both Chicago and Detroit. Minneapolis is served by five airports: Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport (MSP), La Crosse Regional Airport (LSE), Rochester International Airport (ROC), Humphrey Metro Airport (HMP), and Chippewa Regional Airport (CWA).


What time does it get dark?

As the sun sets, the sky slowly grows dark. For many people, this is a time to relax and wind down for the day. But have you ever wondered exactly when it gets dark? The answer may surprise you.

Did you know that darkness actually begins long before the sun sets? As the sun gets lower in the sky, its light has to travel through more atmosphere. This filters out some of the blue light, making the sun look redder. At the same time, shadows get longer and darker. So by the time the sun finally dips below the horizon, darkness has already begun to fall.

Of course, not all places on Earth experience darkness at the same time. Near the equator, the sun sets and rises almost directly overhead. This means that there is less of a difference between daytime and nighttime. Closer to the poles, however, the sun stays low in the sky for much of the year. This leads to longer periods of darkness during wintertime.