What time does it get dark in Blue Rock ?

America/Indiana/Vevay TIME LEFT COUNTDOWN

The sunset in Blue Rock is at 08:30 pm

What is it sunset?

  • Sunset

  • Twilight

  • Darkness

Most people know that sunset is the time when the sun goes down. But did you know that the sun doesn't actually set? Instead, Earth rotates into darkness, giving us the illusion that the sun is setting. So what causes sunset?

Well, it's a combination of things. The Earth's atmosphere scatters sunlight in every direction, but blue and violet light are scattered more than other colors. This is why the sky is usually blue during the daytime. As the sun gets lower in the sky, the atmosphere becomes thicker and more dense.

This scattering of sunlight happens to a greater extent, and we see red and orange light more than blue and violet light. That's why sunset is usually a beautiful red or orange color. So next time you see sunset, remember that you're actually seeing Earth rotate into darkness!

Blue Rock and all the details!


Blue Rock City is a remote community located in the southeastern portion of Utah that was established as an intentional community in 1978. The Blue Rock City zip code is 84514 and has a population of less than 50 people. Blue Rock City is located in Kane County, about halfway between Cedar City and Panguitch. The nearest states are Nevada and Arizona, and the nearest capital is Phoenix. The climate in Blue Rock City is extreme desert and the average monthly temperature is about 44 degrees Fahrenheit.

Blue Rock City was established with the intention of providing a utopian society for people who wanted to escape from the stress of modern life. The city is laid out in a grid pattern and is divided into 16 blocks, each of which is about a quarter-acre in size. The city also has an extensive park system and a fewrestricted income levels to ensure that everyone involved can live comfortably.

Blue Rock City is a self-sufficient community and is responsible for all of its own infrastructure and services. The city is powered by three solar arrays that provide enough energy to power the city’s lights and appliances. A communal water pipeline provides water to all of the city’s residents, and the city also stores enough food to last through the winter. Blue Rock City is also home to a Printing Press, a Radio Tower, and a wind turbine that provide supplementary power and entertainment.

The city is home to a few small businesses that are responsible for providing most of the city’s services. The city’s school system is also limited to the children living in Blue Rock City, and the city is not open to tourists. Blue Rock City is a community that is dedicated to living sustainably and self-sufficiently, and the city’s residents spend a significant amount of their time engaged in community projects.


What time does it get dark?

As the sun sets, the sky slowly grows dark. For many people, this is a time to relax and wind down for the day. But have you ever wondered exactly when it gets dark? The answer may surprise you.

Did you know that darkness actually begins long before the sun sets? As the sun gets lower in the sky, its light has to travel through more atmosphere. This filters out some of the blue light, making the sun look redder. At the same time, shadows get longer and darker. So by the time the sun finally dips below the horizon, darkness has already begun to fall.

Of course, not all places on Earth experience darkness at the same time. Near the equator, the sun sets and rises almost directly overhead. This means that there is less of a difference between daytime and nighttime. Closer to the poles, however, the sun stays low in the sky for much of the year. This leads to longer periods of darkness during wintertime.